In the heart of Germany, on the night of June 29th, a mysterious figure emerges from the darkness—The Snarklefark. Not quite a jolly gift-giver like Santa, this peculiar creature brings an eerie twist to the summer night. Beware, for if you encounter the Snarklefark, your fate hangs in the balance.
The Snarklefark is a creature like no other. He is light, and yet the absence of it. He is darkness, and spreads it like disease. If you are unfortunate to recieve a visit from this jolly old blomper, then you are legible for compensation. He leaves it himself, in the form of a choice - a bag of his own homemade salted pretzels and a handful of grass, commonly picked from the recievers own garden (if they have one). Once you choose one, the other dissapears....
It is not known why the Snarklefark does this, or what the creature may be. It is theorised that those who have had relations with him are deeply, deepry wrong. Perhaps he only visits those who have but one chpice to make - good and evil. Symbolism? Perchance. But one thing is sure - this creature means business. WHat does his existence hold for the human race? A warning? A second chance? A sign of the rapture? Who can really tell. No one has ever seen him in person, he is caught on camera only. Those who attempt to talk to him? Well, they're toast.
Some say that in the modern age he is known to enjoy a tasty little starburst. His favourite is the lime flavour - a flavour discarded by society much like him. I, Otto Popel, left him offerings as a child and yet recieved no response. He left when I was 1 and I grieve him. I miss him. Lots. If you have any information. Please?